Wow, just like that, boom, we head to December! Can you believe it? It was only a minute or two ago we were singing auld lang syne, lighting the fireworks, telling each other lies about New Year's Resolutions, and boom, here we are at the end of the 2021 line. And what a year it has been. Starting off with good old Covid still in full swing, no planes, trains, and automobiles, still all masked up, and it's only been the past couple of months we have seen a change in that.
Now? Yep, we are allowed out and about. Most of us have been jabbed, a few can start to fly, we get to visit family and friends. But, we are still looking over our shoulder, CNN and all the other doom and gloomers make sure we still live on the edge between optimism and panic.
Yes, I have hated being stuck inside. I'm a lover of trees and fresh air, motorbike rides, dates with my wife, and little itty bitty places off the beaten track, and boy of boy, do I miss travelling. But 2022? I'm an optimist and I think with all the wonder drugs coming out of the woodwork, more people vaccinated, sooner than later, Covid will just become a thing we have to be careful of but will not rule our lives (CNN will remind us) and we can start to really rebuild. Yes folks, 2022 will be a chance to change.
Have you gone through some changes in 2021? I know, of course, like most of us, you have added a few pounds to the waistline, the hair got a little unruly, you and uber eats became first name basis, and all the delivery guys know where you live. You maybe had a different relationship with your partner in life, the kids, or you drove each other mad LOL. Guarantee, you have watched all and repeated everything on Netflix. Well folks, as the song goes, like it or not? “The times they are changin”. And December? Is a good time to get ready for those times.
I can guarantee you that when you were making those promises to yourself, January 1, 2021 motivation was high, excitement was in the air, but as the months rolled on, well, “Let’s Gooooo” become more like, “Let’s Goooo, Tomorrow”. Well, here we go again.
But this time? It's different, there is a different smell in the air, a spring in the step. Yep, 2022 is not going to be like 2021. It's going to go from zero to 100 faster than a Bugatti, I tell you. So, what are your plans? 2021 may have been a time of treading water, but no more young Skywalkers. Now, it's time to really start paddling.
And to be honest? It will need more than a spring clean. Yes, we can give the website a little makeover, maybe change that Facebook banner. All of that is good, but what is really needed? A real change.
You have four week kids. So, take a good look at your products and services, what you're offering and how you offer. Review all those PDF’s, take a good look at your reviews, your blogs. If your first web impression is your showcase? You need to change that mannequin in the front window and it needs to be a real change.
What about you personally? A makeover, a new hairdo, upgrade the t-shirts, trim the beard, get yourself ready for what will be. I guarantee an exciting time and no chance to play catch up. You have to hit the change road up and running from January 1st, 2022.
So as the clock winds down? Grab that clock, open up a brand new Eveready AAA, plug her in and turn that slow clock of life into the Energiser Bunny and get ready. Start singing, “I can see clearly now... Look all around, there's nothing but blue skies. Look straight ahead, there's nothing but blue skies.”
Put away the umbrella, you wont need it.