Bruno Mars sang the song, “I wanna be a billionaire so %%$#$% bad”. (Word change to protect your ears LOL)
It would be a theme song ringing in the ears of many little kids, teenagers, young up and comers, oldies but goodies, those wanting a sporting career, business, APP builders, Silicon Valley stars, and even today all those hanging on to the tiktok or YouTube dream of becoming an “influencer”. Guarantee all of them would have that song on their mindset playlist.
Some of those? Might not have to do too much, huge amounts of luck, right place right time, a blessing of a viral video or two and boom no need to sing anymore as they have made it. But for the average Joe or Joanne? It's a hard slog to greatness, and most get to keep singing the song and a few get to upgrade to the bling and sing!
To be a billionaire, to be at the top of the game is not easy. It’s late to bed early to rise, it’s blood, sweat and tears, it’s win some lose some, it’s taking risks, it’s knockouts and knockdowns, training and learning, it's hard, that's why only a few make it.
But when you get there? Wow, life changes, you’re part of the haves, not the have nots, you can do what you wanna do, be what you wanna be, yehhhhh. I mean money doesn't buy happiness but it sure helps. You can eat out every night, drive that car that all watches as you pass by, bling yourself to the max, you can be 100% Versace on the floor and pay someone to mop that floor.
Or? You can tone it down, not be as noisy about fame and fortune and just be a humble rich person. The thing about being rich? It gives you the choice.
BUT, haha, you thought this was going to be all Varsace and Rolex. Well, let me bring in some Target and Timex! Yes, folks there is a but, and the but is? Luck or hard work, viral or sweat, that billion can only bling for so long, let you have a fridge full of Cristal Champagne for so long, Caviar for so long long. That billion is not a never ending supply, it needs to be replenished or you will go looking for the Bruno Mars track on a borrowed phone and start singing again or you might change to Barbara Striesand belting out “Memories” sobbing as you hum, “The Way We Were”.
Hard work, training, the key? Never stop doing either. The problem with success? It can very easily lead to failure. If you take a look at the one hit wonders, the overnight success stories and you throw in a few that have done the hard yards, paid their dues and made it and then failed, 99 times out of 100, it’s for the same reason the gold turned to tin. It’s because they stopped doing the things that made them successful.
The golfer hit a thousand balls a day in practice but stopped when they won the first major, the basketballer hit the hoops 8 hours a day but stopped when they reached the NBA, and the businessman forgot about the importance of customers the moment they treated them as a number not number 1!
I know with TheCamel, we have worked long and hard, and had so many days where we wondered how we would keep the roof over our head and the power on. We have gone from 2 people to 200 People, from getting excited about our first $100 dollar order to our first $10,000 order. From accounts to major accounts, we have earned our stripes, we have given blood, sweat and tears to be where we are. But folks, we have always focused on two things. First, success? Can lead to failure. And second? If, the relationship is right? Everything else will fall into place.
We have the very first customer from eight years ago still doing business with us today, the first Major account we won 5 years ago? Despite severe competition from bigger than us, we still have that account and we have secured the contract twice. We have been going for eight years and we have team members that have been with us from the beginning, last year we awarded 5-year service awards to 35% of our team.
Yes, we have upgraded where we do business, our equipment, even the chairs we sit on but we have never forgotten the service, the relationships, and the fact that high level performance leads to great profit not the other way around. And every single business day we start the day thinking the same, every problem we face we always make sure we go back to basics.
If you look at the champions that hang on to that fame, they keep replenishing those billions and have no need to sing that Bruno Mars song. They always make sure they continually train on the basics, the foundations of what got them to success, as the moment you lose focus on that? The downhill slide will begin.
So folks, remember we don't close sales, we open up a relationship. At TheCamel we have the attitude that our customers are like our family and that's the way we treat them and we never want to lose them. It’s performance before profit and people don’t care what you know or what you have? Until they feel and know how much you care.
Focus on that, and hum, “I’d catch a grenade for ya”. That's the key to ongoing customer success, and that's how
sings it and does it.
Hugs to all.
Wisdom Action
- Remember what got you where you are today is not good enough to keep you there, always have Goals for Increased Performance. If you don’t have a Goal? Make finding a Goal your Goal.
- Do a Regular Customer Health Check. Ask your clients, “How are we doing, are we looking after you? Where can we Improve”
- Do a Regular Team Health Check, How are they doing? Where do they need Help, where do they need Training. Say “Hi” give them some love randomly.
- Focus on all Relationships, remember if the Relationship is right? Everything falls into place, and If The Relationship is good? Any fall is not so far.