Ok, a serious blog today about a serious question. Automated website builders? We see it every day and we get constantly asked if we believe automated site builders can create great customer attraction programs. Every time I get asked this question, I think of a great scene from the movie I,Robot when the character played by Will Smith is trying to explain why he really dislikes robots. Will Smiths says: “Um, look, this isn't what I do, but I've got an idea for one of your commercials. You see... a carpenter, making a beautiful chair. And then one of your robots comes in and makes a better chair twice as fast. And then you superimpose on the screen, "USR: Shittin' on the Little Guy". That would be the fade-out”. Maybe I’m old school like Will Smith was in the movie. But, my feelings are that everything that is creative in this world? A human does it better. A robot must be programmed to do it. It’s not natural, it doesn’t come from the heart. So, do I believe automatic site builders are a good thing? The answer is a big NO. What’s more, I love the joy I see on a fresh graduate’s face when they start a new job and design their first site. I love it when one of our crew make a design that a customer sends them a big huge rap and grateful words. I love what our crew create. Now before I get attacked by all the technocrats on being old school, let me add in some details that are not emotionally motivated. The auto builder features that say they can just search all your current sites details and content and copy it over to a new site? Yes, possible but it’s a bit all over the place and a human must take over and make it look at least clean and tidy. An auto builder using a template and your typing input? Yep, that can work but you end up with a bunch of clone sites. Customer attraction programs is what we call them not websites. And, if your site is going to be the first web impression potential customers see of your business, don’t you want them to see the best? So, maybe it costs a few dollars more. Maybe there is a little back and forth. But in the end, it’s all about no second chance on a first impression. And, you should let your customers see the best of you. Unless…Your selling to Robots huh.
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