You will notice the title of this new blog is not, “What is your time worth?”. The normal question that seems to be thrown around when you're thinking of a quote or looking at how long you will spend on something or even deciding if it's worth doing.
We also might ask these questions when somebody has wasted our time or we have wasted our own. We or others will always narrow it down to a dollar figure. Well, today my fellow workers of the hard slog, we are going to face the fact. The fact is we can't always put a dollar amount on everything, we must look at the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, “What are you worth”?
Why am I focusing on this? Well, glad you asked (you know I say that every blog lol). The answer is if we put a dollar value on it, like a per hour per day type of gauge, the level of importance can easily drop. We can fall into the “I can cope with that amount” and be prepared to lose it.
But, if we ramp up the level of importance to “what are YOU worth”, well, folks the stakes in the game have risen.
Are you getting my point yet?
Let me give you an example. I read one particular forum everyday for the world's best website builder from our mates at Duda. On this forum are agencies, big and small, from all over the world, asking for help, airing and venting grievances, posting the occasional joke. It is actually very entertaining, but one type of post always grabs my attention and I see it so often.
And it goes like this, “I have been working, looking, searching for a solution to XYZ problem for 20 hours now, (sometimes even days) I have found solutions where I can buy it, but looking for help with an “easy fix”.
So, like hello, 20 hours already wasted with the high potential of more, a solution was found in the first 5 minutes maybe, but no, we don't wish to let the butterflies escape from our wallets we would prefer to waste even more precious time looking for that holy grail of help called the “easy fix” we could also add in there, “Free”.
Now, if we look at the “what’s your time worth”, we could easily say these types have wasted maybe hundreds of dollars in the quest for gold, but that has no impact as they are happy to work with the loss.
But If we look at it from the “what are you worth” angle, and we ask ourselves what could you have done with that extra time? Wow, like a bolt of lightning striking, things are a lot different.
Instead of wasting all that 20 hours searching through google or posting on every forum, FB page, sending emails to others, texting etc etc. You could have been playing golf, spending time with the family, cooking a great meal, working out, watching Netflix, going for a walk, flying from one side of the world to the other, finding bigger and better accounts. So many wonderful awesome things you could do with 20 hours, no way could you put a value on these things, the happiness to you, the family, health benefits, quality of life, how powerful is that.
So, folks, the moral of the story? When looking at the time wasting efforts you are about to put in, when considering the option of buying something or saving a few bucks. Don't think of the hourly rate as the yes or no button.
Ask yourself, “what are you worth” your life, happiness, family, your business success? Use the question to increase the value of you and your time and guess what? You will stop wasting it.
Hugs to all.