Hello my fellow Jedi Knights. Wow, what a month it's been in the good old web world. Yes, part of it has been the normal whining and complaining by my fellow inmates (work-from-home people) on how tough things are. But, you also have the reversal from the “Optimist Prime” crowd. I don't know if they tell stories or they are actually doing well, or maybe, they know something the rest of us don't. But I find all the conversations fun and exciting and worth the price of admission. However, the number one topic this month? Drum roll please (but I think the theme from Star Wars would be better) as yes folks we are all talking about AI or Artificial Intelligence.
Now, depending on which news you read or listen to, AI can be either what the world has been waiting for, or it can be a nightmare on Elm Street Part 55!
I have written before in one of my should have been Pulitzer prize blogs, I think, about my Will Smith type love for AI. I loved Will (before the academy awards slap, silly Will) in the movie iRobot. He sums up my feelings so well in one scene. He is having a coffee with the CEO of US Robotics (USR), and offers a marketing suggestion for a TV ad.
It went like this. Will Smith said, “So okay, you see a carpenter making a wonderful chair, and then you see a robot make a better chair twice as fast, and then at the bottom of the screen it reads, ‘USR shittin’ on the little guy’.”
You see folks, Will had little love for robots. Yes, they had taken away all the mundane jobs for people, such as garbage collection, FedEx delivery, waiters, the list goes on. And those people fell for the pitch just like people did in real life, that robots will do the jobs we don't want to do, when the fact is? They take the jobs and that leaves no jobs. And for many? They have nothing to do.
So in the total scheme of things? Call me old school, but I am a bit like Will Smith. I see robots as totally shittin’ on the little people and a serious problem in years to come unless we all get used to living in a welfare state.
Ok, hold the bus, I am getting all serious and political and can feel people starting to leave their seats screaming, “That's not the sort of blog we are used to. Where's the humor, frivolity, sarcasm? Hello, get back in the groove or we will think this is written by AI”.
Well, after slapping myself (sorry Will ), I am back in the groove, fellow little people.
So, was all the news this month all about robots making a perfect unemployed world? NO, we are a few years away from that LOL. The noise was all about ChatGPT and a few others, and how they can write better content faster, do code, create facebook posts, leap tall buildings in a single bound, and overall it was the end of the world for freelancers and the little guy. But a massive opportunity for the bigger guys and some smaller ones who also have the greed gene.
All of a sudden like quicker than you can “Slap” (sorry Will, last one promise), people I know well that could not put together a sentence, let alone spell without their kids checking it, were writing award winning social media posts. Their blogs which the last one they wrote were ready to go in a museum, all of a sudden they had Pulitzer prize winning wikipedia word count blogs all shiny and new.
Yes, the drug had hit, people were hooked faster than Blue Magic that Denzel Washington's Character made in the movie American Gangster (Love ya Denzel, he calmed down Will). Like these people who averaged a post every birthday were all of a sudden asking Facebook for more room, I tell you. They were lighting up the world with this free of charge ChatGPT and thinking wow even their mothers will be impressed.
Was the content good? Was it worth the read? Well, compared to this writer's literary genius, of course not. But, would it pass the test of the average punter out there? To be honest, it would. Like the scene in iRobot, good old ChatGPT could write better and faster than the average bear.
But what did I notice? Well folks, I am glad you asked. What I noticed was what I titled this blog, all that fancy stuff was written by? “Artificial” Intelligence.
What do I mean? It lacked emotion, humor, sarcasm, wit (the sort of stuff you read each month in this blog). It read well but it was cold and lifeless. It was? “Artificial”
Do I think AI has a place? Doesn't matter what I think really, the dice has been thrown, the cement has been mixed, the water has boiled. Folks, AI is here, ready or not. I think no choice AI will be the go-to in basic content, social media posts, all the things the “little guy” (freelancers) make money from, so they will need to find a new game to play.
BUT, for the special stuff, for the emotional, touchy feely stuff, the stuff that separates humans from them? I believe we (Humans) still have the edge. The people that write all that good stuff? We do for us, our readers, our viewers, and our audience. AI? Does it because it's told to!
Love n hugs to you all, and AI or a robot? Can't do that.
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