I remember standing next to my dad, looking way above the countertop and seeing this distinguished looking man, perfect hair with a sprinkle of grey, freshly starched white coat and even a tie. He had that movie star look, I tell you, and 55 years ago it was true, could have been a Charlton Heston type (Ben Hur, Ten Commandments).
His name was Mr. Keyte and he wasn't an actor, he was our local pharmacist. He called my dad Lindsay and my dad called him Mr. Keyte. Back in the day, Mr. Keyte was like that, as was Dr. Spangaro (our local doctor) and Mr. Humpries, the local newsagent, and Mrs. Barnes, who owned the local milk bar and created the most awesome milkshakes for 5 cents.
All had wonderful hair and all wore starched white coats and all called you by name when you went to the pharmacy, the doctors, the newsagent, the milk bar, the dress shop, hairdresser or barbers, it was local, and it was intimate.
Fast forward to 2020 and wow what a difference, t-shirt and converse with no starch, hair all over the shop, tattoos and nose rings maybe, no first name potentially, you're just a number. Chains stores, and 7/11, and a milkshake? Well, the only intimate part of that is when you screw off the top of the plastic container. Yep, it's about as intimate. Well, I could drop lots of examples but this is a family blog so I will behave.
But then, (thunder clap, organ music in the background) something happened (more thunder claps with choirs singing ahhhhhhhh music) yes early 2020 Covid hit and things changed. No more visiting the 7/11 for that plastic moment, no more swiping the credit card at the mall as you purchased the latest and greatest Nike shoes from the t-shirt and denim body piercing right to life behind the register. Yep, all that joy gone in the blink of an eye, and then it was just you, your credit card, online and Uber Eats!
A few months past, we all got used to being stuck inside, we became addicted to Netflix. After getting sick of ordering online, we dragged the pots and pans out of storage and dusted off the cookbooks and started to (more choirs singing) cook for ourselves and the family and another strange phenomenon occurred, we started to communicate with each other across the dining table and not by text.
Yes, folks can you see the trend starting to form? Can you see the build up to what this blog is all about? Well hold on to your hats there is a mighty moment coming.
Time went by and the gates were slightly open and we could venture outside, travel down the street and at last do what we all need to do, SHOP. But this Covid moment has changed us. We are no longer looking for the ultimate in Mega Malls. The thought of brushing bodies with other humans, standing in lines dreading the sound of a sneeze or a cough has changed us. Yes folks Covid has taken us back in time and we are now searching for something we all thought was lost.
We want to shop local again. It's safer. we need to talk to people again as we miss it, we need to have an intimate moment again. (Orchestra and choir rise to deafening Hallelujah moment)
The times have changed, even those that used to jump on the big bird with passport and luggage on wheels for the international experience are now looking local and what sites and sounds they can feel. Local tourism, local shopping, is seeing an interest that they thought was lost. Covid? Has changed us.
That intimate moment has returned, but are you ready for it? Is your business ready for it, is your website, your social media ready for it?
You may have given up in early 2020, after years of trying hard you may have thought those days are gone, nobody cares about the little guys and gals anymore. You may have posted on Facebook Business every month or so, you may have had a yearly anniversary update of a picture or two on your website. Well folks it's time to join the revolution.
Get local with your website, with your social media. Start posting new and exciting stories and pictures about what's going on in your local business. Now is the time to start treating that website like a shopfront that local people walk past everyday, stop to see what's in the window, wave at you or pop in for a chat.
Now is the time, now it's local. And now? It's time to get intimate.
Enjoy the moment as it will be around for a while.
Hugs to all.