Yes folks it appears that it's easier to be a horrible nasty person online, to be rude, aggressive, there is all sorts of words I could use, but this is a family show, so I will just refer to these people as “Pooie People” LOL.
The folks that have lost any form of patience, truly believe that we, the support and salespeople, are their slaves and should drop everything and wash their feet when commanded and if we miss a spot? They have every right to abuse us and humiliate us so bad that our poor dead relatives roll in their graves in fear.
It's not just the threats, it's THE THREAT, the ultimate power these people have and use with absolute ease, they wield this ultimate power with not a care in the world. The threat that flies across the line, chat or email, “I will kill your business, I will post bad reviews, nasty comments on Facebook etc etc”
Yes, the fact you have not dropped every other task to help them as they are “SOOOO” important, the fact that you're human and maybe made a mistake, the fact that they may have also made a mistake, all these facts mean nothing to them. They will be happy that you and your family are cast out to the street and beg for food when they ruin you with Social Media revenge and terror.
Yes, my fellow recipients of nasty customer misery, these people have lost something along the way, and no longer realise, “It’s nice to be nice!”
These people have watched “Hell's Kitchen” and decided that Gordon Ramsey is their role model and regardless, if you make a mistake, like a pan of uncooked salmon, they have every right to rip your head off.
But hang on, isn't there a better way? (Trumpets play angelic music, and a chorus of people in white sing Hallelujah) Yes, all praise the gods of niceness there is.
Folks, there is a very famous old book. It’s been around for thousands of years. A lot of houses have a copy, maybe pride of place somewhere, or maybe gathering dust in a box in the attic. This book is full of some great quotes and recommendations on how we should treat each other, one great quote by a bloke named Jesus goes like this.
Luke 6:31
“And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.”
And that my dear mates brings me to the moral of my little story today. If you have an issue with something broken, or maybe somebody made a mistake, or maybe that quote you're asking for is taking a little longer than what makes you happy? Before you decide to take the blue nasty pill and bark all sorts of bitterness down the line, or set fire to your keyboard with words that would make your Grandma cry, think about what Jesus wrote.
Then take a chill pill, send some roses and not rocks and remember, “It’s nice to be nice”.
Hugs to you all.