Wow! Can you believe it? All the fun and games we have had, joy and sorry, ups and downs, words we have written and you have read, and in the blink of an eye, whoosh, it's all over and we start again.
Yes, folks, father time waits for nobody and 2019 which was only a young puppy a little while back, now has grey hair, lost it's teeth, walks with the help of a cane, and is being readied for exit stage right as we welcome the new kid on the block, 2020. And, not just a new year folks, we are talking a new decade.
So much has happened these past ten years. It's actually hard to believe it, but, let me fill you in on a few things that just started this past ten years, and I think a few will shock you.
First up, I guarantee you have used this at least one time today, most likely it's the last thing you look at before you go to sleep, it's your best friend on a flight, helps you cook, what am I talking about? The iPad. Yes folks, it was first launched in 2010 and as we close out this decade over 400 million of them have been sold.
What about when you turn on that light when it gets a little dark and the white light LED fires up? Do you think they have been around a while? Nope. They hit the retail market back in 2010 also.
So many things have happened this past 10 years and it only seems like it's all happened in the blink of an eye. What about apps? Wow, we take them for granted everyday on our smartphones, but they were just being planned in 2010 and now literally millions of them are waiting for us to download. And when we think of the apps we click a lot? Well, when you use UberEats in the next day or two, think about this - it's only been around since 2014!
So much in ten years, and when it comes down to websites? The sexy responsive website design you have now was not even possible until 2011, and it's only been since 2014 that mobile web overtook the desktop in daily views by internet users.
These are just a few of the incredible changes that have happened this decade just imagine what's going to surprise us all these next ten years? "Wow" is all I can say.
The end of the year gives us the chance to reflect, but it also gives us a chance to instigate an age-old tradition, and what is that? New Year's Resolutions. Yeah, I know most people say just before midnight on the last day of the year, "I'm never gonna bla bla bla again", and the very next day they are back at it. But some? Well, they actually stick to it.
So what's your New Year's resolution? You don't have to tell me now, but make sure you make one. What is one of mine? To make sure TheCamel.Co® keeps designing and creating awesome sexy websites using the sensational Duda platform. To keep helping our mates like you sell more websites, so you can be well on your way to fame and fortune. And, I promise that on January 1st 2020? I will get to work to make sure it happens.
Big hugs from and wishing you an awesome decade ahead!
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