"Once upon a time..." is how it usually starts. Then, it can be good, bad, happy or sad, interesting or boring. It can take a few moments or be a month's read. Its readers might not want to put it down or use it to start a nice warm cozy fire. A story? Has a lot of power. It can be one that can be remembered, or it can be one that is soon forgotten.
I have heard some great stories in my time, and also, had a lot that my mind was in wander mode or they might as well have been a lullaby as they quickly put me to sleep.
The best stories? Were those that made me truly feel I was in them. When I was a kid, I loved stories about action and adventure. I loved it when I truly felt I was the pirate in a battle, swords swinging in my head, or the texas ranger racing away on a horse chasing the bad guys. Page after page I would be excited, not wanting to put that book down, chapter after chapter.
I'm also a bit of a softie. I have read books and fallen in love with the heroine, truly imagining her in my mind, sometimes drifting away, closing my eyes and wishing she was real.
Yep, stories are powerful, entertaining and when you feel part of them? That is when they are a great story.
Haha, you knew I was going to ask that, didn't you?
I'm not talking about your personal story (that's because this is a business blog
LOL). I'm talking about your website, social media business story. What is in the chapters that your customers read each day? Does it inspire to read more or turn the other page and look for another book?
Is it exciting? Does your story have heroes and action? Does it also have a soft side, where it's loving and caring? Is it different, does it take your customers to places where they truly feel they are part of it?
Or, is it really a bunch of same old, same old?
Your website should be a great story, always making your customers involved. Ready to keep going, excited to see what's coming next. Great pictures, information, offers.
Your social media
should be the same. Always different, every post is a winner, not just the same old post time and time again. If your page just does offer-after-offer or push to sell sell sell, it will soon fall into same old same old and nobody will read it.
Even Facebook has a feature called "Stories". Use it to offer something different, instant ways for your customers
to see, think, and click, just to see "Wow, wonder what's in this chapter".
So folks, take a look at your website and social media pages today. Are they a book you don't want to put down? Or, are they just another way to start a cozy fire and relax whilst you search on your iPad for a book worth reading?
Hugs to all!
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