I can remember back in the day (Disclaimer: Don't get all politically correct on me now) coming home from work and sitting down with my dad and we would discuss friends and their choice of relationship. I would often say to him, "I have no idea what she or he see in him or her".
I would often shrug my shoulders and say, "Well, I think x or y is blind then" and walk away.
I mean, have you had your best friend introduce you to the latest love of their life, you do all the right things, are polite and then as you walk away you say, "Are they crazy, what do they see in them?"
But, it's not just with partner choice, is it? Have you had one of your friends come up to you with shopping bags in hand super excited screaming, "Wait till you see what I just bought". They then proceed to model the dress, t-shirt, top, blouse, whatever and you're smiling and saying, "Wow, how nice" but in reality, you say, "OMG, did the shop not have a mirror".
Be it our choice in partners, decisions we make on wardrobe choices, sometimes we have to wonder what was in our friend's mind at the time.
And yes folks, that brings me to the point of TheCamel.Co® blog to say, "What has this got to do with websites
As a fulfillment partner for Duda websites
, the designers at TheCamel.co™ get to see the good, the bad, and the ugly, not just in sites that are existing. But, like the shopping bags with new clothes, we get to say "Wow, that's nice" when we get a build form, but deep down we are thinking, "Ahhh what are they thinking?"
Yes, many people have designed old websites or are looking at a new site and definitely there is no mirror in their house or office! Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but with the importance of your first web impression
, maybe somebody else should be designing your website.
Why? Well, at TheCamel.co
we have a bit of advice we give to everybody when it comes to that first web impression look and feel. We advise you to design with WOW. Now, is that WOW as OMG Super Awesome, Fireworks, Steven Spielberg directed design? No, it's WOW
that stands for What Others Want
, that WOW.
It's not a glossy brochure of pretty pictures and ego stroking text about us! The role of that Google attracting URL is to excite and encourage current or potential customers to enquire, book, buy or make a reservation with you.
The design of your website
should be 100% focused on that WOW criteria and that my dear friends can often be a design that has issues with what you want in your shopping bag.
So, what do we suggest at TheCamel.Co®
? We highly recommend that you take somebody shopping with you and make sure the shop has a mirror! Yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but there is no second chance on a first impression. So, maybe it's time to let somebody else design.
Hugs from TheCamel.Co®
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