Back in the day, the 70’s to be exact, you could hear the sweet sounds of Simon and Garfunkel singing “Bridge over troubled water” whilst you cruised the streets in your 1970 Ford Galaxy. The song was number one and the figures for the Galaxy? Wow, you would be so excited as you achieved an average of 12mpg! Which was okay as gas was only 36 cents a gallon.
But fast forward ten years and wow what a difference. You’re now squashed into a Honda Hatchback as gas has hit $1.31 a gallon and you’re singing along to blondie belting out the hit “Call me”
Yes, ten years is not a long time but wow did things change for the car industry back in the 70s. The old gas guzzlers just could not do it anymore and no longer fit the market. But the big three kept making them and sooner than later they had acres of unsold cars whilst the Japanese imports had a waiting list and people ready with pen in hand to sign on the dotted line.
The website business in 2017 has a lot in common with the 1970s Car industry, and the gas guzzler now are desktop sites. The big game changer is not the price of gas, it’s the evolution and expansion of the mobile connection.
3g, 4g, Wireless, Fiber Optic – all these speed demons have made it so we are now a Mobile World. You won’t see people walking around the streets carrying a gas guzzling desktop computer on their back. They will have the mobile in hand or they will be sitting on the toilet looking at their next consumer purchase on the new awesome IPad.
Yes folks, for the desktop design? There is a “bridge over troubled water”!
But? Like the big three back in the day, a lot of business will stick to the old, gotta look awesome on the 26-inch screen, and let’s just shrink it down for those customers that choose the phone or the tablet to look for us.
The fact is? The thinking should be the reverse. We should be thinking, “wow, how can make the site look awesome on mobile and the desktop should be the end game”. We should be focusing on how to make our websites’ Customer Attraction Programs that get consumers wanting to book and buy rather than sit there and read.
So, guys and gals, let’s not sing when you’re weary feeling small, let’s get all excited, let’s get into the new age, break away from those troubled waters, give the gas guzzler a rest and get into the Mobile Evolution, and if you need help? Call me…
Big Hugs from™
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