Okay, so you have the manual. You have all the shiny new tools. You have just purchased from the local hardware store. All the bits and pieces of your soon to be party venue pergola are laying there and ready to go. You even bought a pair of super tradesman overalls so you would at least look the part. Yes, you’re about to become a DIY person. Heck, you even have the iPad sitting on a side table with YouTube how-to videos paused and waiting.
But, half way into the operation, your fingers are swelling from being whacked with the hammer one too many times, the neighbors have called the police to report offensive language, your dog is hiding under the table as he is scared the hammer throw might greet him, your partner and kids have packed their bags and taken to the shelter of a Motel down the road.
Worse, still you’re finding more parts and wondering where they were supposed to go?
It’s at this time you fall to your knees, clasp your hands and beg to the DIY Gods, “Send me a Professional!”
Folks, there is no shame in using a Professional. Plus, it saves medical bills, potential jail terms, relationships, and is kind to animals!
I don’t hear of this everyday with the Pergola crew, but I do hear horror stories with business people trying to build a website. Even more, we get professional building them that cry out for help when things are not going according to plan and a little extra skill is needed.
Let me say it once again, there is no shame in asking for help.
Think about it, like the carpenter that builds Pergolas for a living, he has most likely built many of them so he knows what he is doing. He probably has more tools. Guarantee you, he has some special ones that make the job faster, easier and more precise.
Websites are like that as well. Most business people are busy running a business they might build a website once in a lifetime. We build 100’s a month, we have the latest computers, software, designers that are up to date on all the latest trends as well, we should as that’s the business we are in.
So, like the professional carpenter, a professional web fulfillment partner is a great idea.
And there is no shame in using a Professional.
Be kind to your pet, family and look after your health. When building a website, or if you get into a little bit of a bind, don’t throw the keyboard at the wall, call a professional fulfillment partner and let us do the work whilst you play games on the tablet or walk the dog.
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