Elton John had a famous song, “Sorry seems to be the hardest word”. Elton John and Bernie Taupin wrote the song about a romantic relationship which is falling apart. The song has a chorus that pretty much explains the heartache, “So sad, so sad, why can’t we just talk it over, sorry seems to be the hardest word”.
Oh, the tears are falling on my keyboard as I type those words.
Must be honest, I really disagree with Elton and Bernie, I really don’t think “Sorry” is the hardest word, I think NO is.
Think about it for a minute, if we said “NO” more often we would not have to say sorry, would we? Most relationships get into trouble as one or the other didn’t say NO to a mistake so ended up in a so sad, so sad SORRY conversation. Many people have lost their license as they didn’t say, “NO” to the last drink and end up so sad.
So sad your honor and I am truly “Sorry” for what I did as they get their license taken away.
You could look at most, “Sorry” conversations and it would be a good bet that if you or somebody else had said, “NO” there would not be a conversation and nobody would be getting into trouble or feeling sad sad situation.
So, what has this song got to do with
Duda websites, TheCamel.co™ development,
SEO and other business-related stuff
? Well I’m glad you asked that question. Let me share my thoughts.
A lot of issues with non-performing websites those being ones that don’t convert lookers into buyers, and SEO work that does not convert to good rankings that allow people to find your website, both of which usually have a “Sorry” it’s not working conversation attached either with a designer or you with your customers or business partners could have been different if somebody said NO.
No to what, you might be asking? Well, in the case of the website, NO to way too much insignificant content, NO to lots of bells, whistles and moving objects that really have no impact, NO to a major focus on the desktop and not enough on the mobile. NO, to features and fixtures that have no focus on getting people to book and buy. NO to way too much reading and not enough clicking to action.
With SEO? NO to key words or phrases that will not narrow down the search to you, your business, where you are and what you sell or supply. NO to wanting to win a global search when you’re making hamburgers in downtown suburbia.
The good news? Unlike the song, the relationship can be fixed, a little bit of good SEO work, informative website design from TheCamel.co™ team using the Duda Platform, some great widgets from our Duda Specialists will set the right music and have your business singing a love song to your customers and Google and then? No need for “Sorry”, you can move onto another song like “Happy Days are here again”. |
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