If you are a motor mechanic and a customer walked in to ask for a tune and an oil change, would you offer them a seat on a nice cozy couch, make them a coffee, escort their family to send them into a service bay, work away with tender loving care for a few hours, present the keys back to the customer, say "Hey it's on us" and smile as they drove off?
I could ask the same question to a pub owner, a butcher, a baker, even a candlestick maker saying, "would you provide any service at all and just take a smile as payment?"
Okay, in between you saying to yourself, "Has TheCamel.Co® lost it, is he crazy?" Let me ask why. As in, why would you not do all that work for free?
Well, you have bills to pay, employees to consider, you must make a living as the old saying goes "Money doesn't buy happiness," well, let me say that your life would be miserable without money, fast.
The only problem? There is a lot going on in this world for free! FREE websites, FREE Software, FREE
Free Duda Widgets,Social
, FREE all sorts of things and people are clamoring for free stuff. This now leads us to the topic of this blog, "There is no such thing as a free lunch!"
Somewhere along the line, somebody must make money out of something, so they'd avoid the miserable category.
Free Website Builder? Of course, it's free but the hosting is not, and if you want the site to look great, we hope and pray that your technical ability is above left and right click of a mouse and also, beyond drag 'n drop. Then, if you need any of the sexy features, oops! Sorry, they are not free but seeing as you're halfway done might as well pay for those, too hard? Well, we can give you online help but that will cost you $X.
Free applications and software, wow great idea! You can really make the site shine now, but that is just the standard. You can't do anything free version with ads (as we need to pay for stuff you know). So hope you don't mind if your customers get the occasional pop-up video of Dolores Bath, House and Spa weekly specials. But, you need the app or software now you're in, so best to drag out the trusty Visa card.
All a bit much? Well, what about Facebook? Hey, you can make a free business web presence on that, no need at all for a website. You will even save yourself the hosting fees.
Great idea! But hang on, do you really think they will share with all your likes for free all those sexy posts about exclusive offers you're making? Be fair, they have multi-zillion on dollar salaries to pay, so sorry if you want all your customers to see what you're offering? That will cost you money each time and if they don't like your posts, sorry, that's all subject to the automated customer (read Robotic) service department of Facebook. So maybe you will have to adjust it to some zillion times to make it more of a picture than an offer, but hey, it's free!
Let's not also forget they are not just your customers, they belong to Facebook and they can also use the information to send competitor ads as well.
So, it's time folks, what's the point of all this today, am I anti-free stuff? No, I'm not. What I am trying to say is not all things for your business growth should be put in the FREE basket. The things that are super important, those first customer impressions - your website, those customer grabbing needs like SEO, booking services, etc. Maybe they are important enough to invest a little, to maybe look at experts to help you.
TheCamel.co™ are the experts, we design and develop websites using the Duda Platform. We can build you a cost effective sensational first web impression, we have our Duda Specialists
that develop awesome widgets for the Duda Platform
that will make it sing.
Then, your business can move towards the success path you want and deserve, and you can buy people lunch!
Big Hugs from TheCamel.Co®
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