It's been a week of it. What am I talking about? A week of the same old questions. It goes like this, "Oh guru of business building, please share with us your secrets to success".
Okay, that was a joke. Just thought I would make the opening sentence a little more movie tone. Nobody actually asked, I just read a lot of Facebook posts like that. But, it's a question asked by many, and it's usually accompanied by other questions of a digital nature.
"Should I use LinkedIn, should I run FB ads, what's better – Instagram or Facebook, should I write a blog, what's your thoughts on Google Ads, do you think a DIY Site Builder is a good idea", and last but not least my, all-time favorite, "how do I get more leads?" Okay, now I will shove some question marks in so as to make the "write properly" mob happy ???? There ya go.
What would be my answer to these questions? What pearls of wisdom would this old wise one share with his digital admirers? (Wow, I like that!)
Where do your customers come from? What do they read? Where do they post their moments of family madness, quotes of distinction, pictures of the latest family gathering or embarrassing weekend party? Those that book or buy your awesome products or services, what is their choice of internet trolling?
If you can answer those questions, you're halfway there on the best place to invest your hard-earned cash on the gambling table of digital marketing.
But? Yes, my superstar fellow business builders, there is a BIG BUT. Do you actually know your market? Have you asked questions, studied your orders, or have you basically kept silent?
Have you sold things, delivered them and never asked for feedback? Do you make posts on your LinkedIn, FB or Instagram and its really just ads that make your page look like an overstuffed letterbox of promotional flyers?
Do you have a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) program that screams for customer feedback and information rather than a "silence is golden" program that takes their money, then you sit back in your comfy chair sipping on a latte waiting for another golden opportunity?
One of the greatest systems you can implement in your business is a CRM program that includes a consistent follow-up agenda. It will give you so much data to make some noise and get more bookings and buyers. You will be on a first-name basis with all the best places in town.
And the best part? It will even remind you. Wow!
But a CRM costs money. You will be screaming as your latte goes down the wrong way. Fear not my fellow believers, the old google search will deliver the goods when you type "free" whilst looking for a CRM program to help you make some noise or you can spend some money, the choice will be yours.
The main thing? As they say at Nike, "Just Do It"! Get a CRM for your business. Start making some noise , get the information you need to find the customers that book or buy your product, and then? Follow Up! Follow up your existing customers and sell them more, as guess what? That's also free. Wow! If you do it properly, FB and Instagram will be for happy snaps and not your hard-earned cash.
Hugs to all from TheCamel.Co®
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