There was a story I heard when I was a child about a chicken that believes the sky is falling when an acorn falls on its head. The chicken decides to tell the King and on its journey meets other animals (mostly other birds) which join it in the quest. Now this story is told many ways and there are many endings but the one I heard? A fox invites them to its lair and there eats them all. The moral of the story? Well it’s interpreted as a warning not to be a chicken, have courage and don’t believe everything you’re told, or make sure you stay away from Foxes! Back in 1999 there was a “Sky is Falling” moment in our lives and it was called Y2K. We were told that when the clock strikesmidnight on New Year’s Eve the world as we know it technology wise will collapse. Computers all over the world would go haywire, all sorts of Armageddon type stuff would be upon us and the data we thought was safe would be eaten by the nearest fox. Well the clock struck midnight and what happened? Nothing. But along the way, wow did people make money selling stuff that would save you from the perils of the fox. Now we have a new version of story that’s making us all run around like Chickens with our heads chopped off and this one we give thanks to Google. This Chicken Little moment is being called “The end of the world for all your google rankings”. Yes, if your website is not Mobilised by the 21st of April, boom you will go crashing down in flames and fall into the abyss of page 3 to 5 million in a Google search, OH NO we cry. Just like Y2K you have people running around all over the place trying to sell you things to make sure this calamity does not happen to you, they scream, “The Sky is Falling” we will save you, for a price. Ok, let me be honest this is only partially a fairy tale, it is true that Google is changing its algorithm and you need to be Mobile but hello it’s not the end of the world unless you’re one of the lucky (like Jackpot one in a zillion lucky) few that make it front page without paying for it. So yes you need to get your site Mobile but to be honest with you there is a few more things you need to do as well that will help more than paying a bespeckled SEO black/white/grey/red hat. You need to have a sensational first impression website, you need to have updated monthly promotions or special offers on that site, you need to advertise and promote that site in your business so you educate customers to look at it and you need to update it more than each turn of the Century! Do those things? And I can promise you the sky won’t fall and Foxes won’t bite you. Now sweet dreams, I hope you enjoyed the story. Don’t let the bed bugs bite. Enjoy the day and remember: No Second Chance on a First Impression. Hugs from TheCamel. co ™
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