In this day and age, you would think the title says it all and any other words in this blog are a waste of time, as every business needs to have a website and seeing as 800 Million are on Social Media? One way or another you would be pretty safe to say that your communication with Customers also needs you to get involved in Social Media. So I should shut up, all is right with the world? If I go to your Business website it’s all up to date? Works awesome on Mobile and it’s all about Call to Action. Your Social Media pages? Wow the ink is still dry on the post you put up this morning and the tweets are chirping? Instagram proudly show pictures from your latest events and not a silly selfie to be seen? Ok at this stage its ok if your shuffling paper and feeling uncomfortable as you know your website is a disaster and the last post you made on Facebook was Happy New Year. Why is it ok? Well you’re in the Company of many. Yes more than 70% of the world has a website that’s not been updated in a while graphically let alone working on Mobile or Tablet and as for Social Media? They still think. “Like” is mainly for the latest posts of your kids, holiday snaps and the awesome motivation picture or silly video you found on a friends page. The other side of the coin, the group that get it that the world has changed 360 degrees this past two years? Wow they have the latest and greatest dynamic websites that have promotions, call to action post and are treating them like a Customer Attraction Machine and that’s exactly what the website is doing, “Attracting Customers” That group there Social Media is buzzing with the 30/60/10 postings. 30% Owned content, 60% Curated and 10% Promotional, yep you don't want see nonstop nothing on those pages. Have I been tough enough? Yes folks this month’s blog was not my usual Flowers and Chocolates, it was more like Rocks and Roses! Frankly, I hear a tune each day that I get a little sick of. That tune goes along the lines of, “My Website doesn’t rank on Google” the Chorus then goes to, “I am getting no business from this site”. Well that fact is? You get what you work for! And if you're not using your website as a Customer Attraction Program, not changing promotions often, not updating, not having any call to action. If you’re Social Media Pages are like a desert when it comes to new posts, if they have comments that are nasty as you never check it, if you have enquiries that you never answer? Well, your lack of attention is getting you the same in return. NO Customer Attention. But there is hope, repent and get on it today, right now. Change that website update that Facebook Page, Tweet away and sooner than later all will be right with the world. Enjoy the day and remember no Second Chance on a First Impression Hugs from™
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