First up, let me apologize to anybody that might immediately cry “ahhh” with my title and call the equal opportunity police. “There’s life in the Old Girl yet” was a favourite saying of my dear old Dad (RIP) so out of respect for back in the day, I am saying it as he did.
So, when did my dad use that famous saying?
Well, when we were a young struggling family, a long time ago in a land far away, we had a very old car that was basically held together by metal in between bits of rust. This ‘old girl’ as my dad called her would get us from A to C. What about B, you might ask. Well, B was occupied with our car usually breaking down when she felt like it.
Bit of a cough and splutter and then she would stop. Dad would use some choice words, usually found in RAP songs, turn the key time and time again until finally, he would exclaim, “There’s life in the old girl yet” and our car would fire into life and we would be heigh-hoing silver away, leaving B and moving onto C.
I suppose the common question might be why didn’t we just buy a new car?
Well, to be honest, the roof over our heads and eating was more important at that stage of life so, a new car was well and truly at the bottom of the bucket list and we also had a big soft spot for her.
Everyday TheCamel.Co® being a Major fulfillment partner of the Duda Platform
, we see a lot of business first web impressions. We see a lot of websites that remind me of our old car.
They are huge and slow, take a long time to fire up that first page. We will usually say to the client that we think it’s about time to retire the old timer and move into something new, fast, better performing, sexy, etc.
But, like our situation back in the day, not every business is in the position to spend thousands of dollars on a brand spanking new customer attracting
, and Google exciting first web impression sites.
Well, here is the good news, “There might be life in the old girl yet!”
Yes, when funds are a bit low, there is a few interim things you can do to give the old gal a new lease of life even if it’s just for a short time until the piggy bank has more coins.
What about a facelift for the front page?
Yes, seeing as there is no second chance on a first impression, why not give what gets seen first? A fresh look and feel, update some of those pictures, text, and hey, you could even look at sprucing up of your logo.
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