Cast your mind back 20 years ago (I’m taking it for granted I have a mature audience LOL). Why 20 years? Well, it was back in 1990 when the first internet providers started to supply email addresses as part of their packages, and it was in 1996 when email really took off with the masses as a little business called Hotmail made it a worldwide revolution when they offered free email address.
Yes, only 20 years ago we had to use what is now a foreign concept to contact friends and family. We had to actually write them a letter and post it. Wow, it’s sad that the XYZ generation of today don’t have the thrill of waiting for the postman to deliver mail.
Back in those days, we wrote letters, sent cards, we had to really think when we wrote.
Words were important.
Yes folks, you could win a heart, change a mind with the words you used in those cards and letters. Super powerful messages of joy the mailman could deliver.
So, the usual question that comes to mind when reading my blog now starts to appear on the tip of your tongue or top of your mind. Well I’m glad you asked that question, and here is the answer.
Yes, my super blog supporters, you can have the best-looking web
ite on the planet
with all the flash boom and bang money can buy, with pictures of products that would be at home on the Pirelli calendar. But, if the words aren’t there, if the content is lame? The website is not going to be in the consumer or Google game.
Well, if you’re going to spend your hard earned cash on a new super website, you best spend time not just on that first web impression image selection but also spend time (or hire somebody else) to make sure that the content you have contains words that will make that site a "Content King". With great images and awesome content, your business will be “Staying Alive” rather than singing another famous Bee Gees song, “ Tragedy” . Big Hugs from TheCamel.Co®
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