Duda vs Worpress (or Wix, Weebly, even my Mum’s scone recipe). The headline “Duda vs Wordpress” I see on so many posts drives me insane. First up, a “Love” disclaimer, I love you Duda and all who sail with you. This blog has nothing to do with the CMS to CMS rivalry, go for it Duda I got ya back at all times you’re da best.
Ok, taken care of the possible lawsuits and unhappy people, so here we go. LOL
Oh hang on before I go any further, let me also say to the “pronoun” advocates that I am a he/him and for the sake of the exercise this literary masterpiece shall be written as he/him will use he/him as the example so if you see he/him please mentally replace that with whatever you see fit and I apologize in advance for any stress that may cause you.
Ok, now I think we have taken care of all potential unhappiness, so let's get down to what this is all about. Where was I? Oh, yes CMS to CMS rivalry. Here we go, lights, cameras, action.
So, you get the Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter notification, “ding ding” new post and there it is, a new post by Harry Clagg digital agency why you should choose the CMS he uses over the other brand, and it happens so much. Some of the agencies spend countless hours of graphic capability to tell you why brand A is better than brand B. Their posts will in most cases get zero attention, but I am sure, if the social media provider gurus had a “yawn” icon it would be used often. Just on that, don’t you feel a little weird when somebody posts a “lost a loved one” announcement and one of the main options is “like”? Even a “heart” feels sort of out of place.
So, the digital agency will look at their work of art post, grab a beer, and have a big sook feeling dejected that yes another moment of social media fame has been neglected by their audience.
My point? Do you blame your customers for pressing the “yawn” button? Coz in reality, to your customers, yes yours, what difference does it really make? It's a website, okay. And, 99% of what's out there CMS wise will do the job for the majority of business and their needs.
Yes, if you're Duda. WP, Wix, or Weebly, of course you have to promote your greatness and speciality and why you are whoopin the other guy and make Google smile. But for you, the agency, what do you, and what should you promote and post? What is the exciting noise you can make to get those likes and smiley faces being clicked like the shoot button on a Xbox?
You need to be posting what makes the great great, and the great is? YOU.
Yes folks, another gold nugget of business success I present to you. Start being your own cheer squad and don’t be shameless about it, as that's what the punter with the credit card in hand wants to hear and most importantly be convinced and comfortable with. “Why pick you?”
Think about for a minute, go back to the day when you had pimples and your heart would beat, you would start to sweat every time you would see the gal of your dreams pass you by. What would you do to get her attention? Would you place a sign up all over the school, make a facebook post with a picture of your dad and say, “Wow look at my DNA, I’m perfect” or “My dad has the nicest personality and hello I have his genes”.
No, you would be going out of your way to impress, to make noise on why you’re the ideal candidate to pull her heartstrings and take her to that prom or a hamburger lunch at In-N-Out (best hamburgers in the world, by the way).
If you went for a new job, would your resume be full of the greatness of your former employer? Would you be promoting their unique features and benefits, or would you be telling the world how good you were at your job and what an asset you would be to them?
Are you getting my point folks? Yes, the number one thing for you to shout out to the world? Is how good you and your business is and the fact is that you could design a website using electronic crayons and it would be a business changer for them. Yes, your CMS is important like any fast car? It only wins races with the right driver.
So, when you're about to make a new post today, on the job of creating an awesome graphic moment ready to make those enthusiastic to not only click that like button but call you?
Brag about yourself, show off your latest creation, post those reviews, a glowing recommendation from your Mum or ex wife, tell and show them that no matter what? “You're the one that they want Ooh ooh ohh” (RIP Olivia Newton John)
Have a great day. Hugs to all.
PS. Make sure its a duda site.
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